HUMAN DESIGN 101: The Energy Centers (overview)

The energy centers are little hubs in your energetic/soul body where you process energy.  On your chart, they’re the funky, colorful — or not-so-colorful — shapes inside your triangle-butt person.

The 9 energy centers + their meanings

Each human has 9 centers total.

They’re based on the 7 chakras — plus two extras, which we developed in 1781. (Yay, a bonus! Mazel Tov.)

Just like the chakras, each center has a different “theme” of energy that they work with, produce, or receive from others.

Click the links ↓ to learn more about each center in depth.


Inspiration, ideas, and “shoulds.”



Opinions, mental awareness, concepts



Manifestation, speaking, doing



Self, Love, Direction



Motivation, will power



Emotional wave



Intuition, fear



Life force energy, creativity, desire, sexuality


ROOT (pressure + motor center)

Movement, adrenaline, stress


Defined vs. Undefined centers (i.e., What does it mean if it’s colored in or white?)

When you look at your chart, you’ll see some of your centers* are colored in, and some of them are white.

*Some people have all of them colored in, and about 1% of the population has none of them colored in.

DEFINED centers are colored/shaded. You make your own energy here, and process/experience it in consistent ways. 


UNDEFINED centers are uncolored/white. You pick up on + amplify energy from other people there. 


An OPEN center is an undefined center with no gates activated (i.e., they don’t have any black or red lines coming out of them).

So are closed centers more powerful than open centers? 


Both defined and undefined centers have their gifts (and their challenges). Anyone can be conditioned to believe they’re not supposed to be the way they are, or at least be made to think they’re “wrong.”

Also, your open centers are powerful and useful — as long as you can lean into them and know how to use them!


HUMAN DESIGN 101: What are the FOUR ARROWS + what do they mean?


Why do we have 9 centers if there are only 7 chakras?