Your Gene Keys Vocation (AKA, How to Use Your Soul Purpose to Make More Money)

What Is a Gene Keys Vocation?

Your vocation is essentially the purpose you’re meant to fulfill through what you do, regardless of what job, career, or business you actually “do.”

It comes from something called the Vocation Sphere the Gene Keys, which is a systematic interpretation of the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching and kind of a different “side” of Human Design (it was created a former HD student, Richard Rudd, who actually studied with Ra Uru Hu).

You can also find it on your Human Design chart in your unconscious Mars placement.


Your vocation doesn’t always have to be about your career, although it often has a strong impact on it, or how you use your gifts successfully in it.

That’s because it’s the core or essence of your work — kind of like the work underneath the work.

For example, my vocation is Gate 46, AKA the gift of delight.

My vocation comes to life when I embody the joy of the moment. When I BECOME joy, and let it show. 

So even though I’m a Human Design reader, teacher, and content creator — that’s not really what I do. I embody + inspire joy, lightness, presence and delight. That’s the true purpose of my work, and my business is merely a channel for me to use it.

This is also how I help other people! When I do this for myself, I show them how to step back from the mind, enjoy the process, and just have more freaking fun with it all. 

(Fun fact: I actually had my Chinese astrology chart read at a party a few years ago, and the reader just kept saying, “Wow. You are apparently REALLY good at showing that you’re joyful.” At the time I was like, “Uh, k? Cool? So like… now can you tell me how I’ll make  money?” Little did I know she already did. lol.)

Why Does Vocation Matter (i.e., Why Should I Care?)

The Vocation Sphere comes from something called the pearl sequence (this part is only from Gene Keys) — which is all about how you can tap into your energy to create abundance in your life.


Basically, it has a major impact on how you attract prosperity through your work.

That’s because when you are living through your vocation, you are doing the REAL “what” that you are meant to be doing, and are thus offering your true value to the world  – no matter what the channel or tool you’re using looks like.

So if you’ve been doing something you love to do, are really good at, and want to keep doing — but are still feeling like it’s hard out there for a pimp — aligning your vocation can open up some big ol’ doors for you. Even if you’re doing the same stuff!

Core Vocation Vs. Core Wound


Even though our vocation is how we are truly designed to thrive, many of us are in/start out in our core wound, which is the shadow and basically the exact opposite of our core vocation. Why?

First, there’s usually a lesson in our core wound that’s important for us to acend in order get the gift out of our core vocation. So it’s really not a bad thing that it exists — the problem is when you don’t recognize the pattern and get stuck there.
Second, it’s just plain easy to fall into the trap of just looking at the tool we’re using to express the vocation (so, the job title or the tasks), and not realize that the essence of how we do it is just as important. We end up doing it in a way that doesn’t work for our soul, which means the underlying vocation – which draws what we want in – isn’t working its magic.

My Vocation Story (and How I Use it!)

This past year, I was v stuck in my core wound.

I was spending sooooooo much time in the shadow of my vocation  – which is seriousness. 


I was so focused on creating income through offers, funnels, etc. — which is really just the surface stuff — as efficiently and logically as possible, that I didn’t really give two shits about how I was doing it, or how I felt as I was doing it.

I was living so in my head, and how things should look, rather than just being in the moment, which is the essence of this gift.

Even though it looked “smart,” I was actually shutting off what makes me magnetic to clients and impacts them in a way only I can do.

I wasn’t doing my real work.

So, of course, everything came to a grinding halt.

Sales and readings slowed down. I wasn’t having the impact I wanted. I was attracting some super serious, nitpicky clients. Even my email list signups took a nosedive!

Learning my vocation really snapped me out of this.

Because, sure, I was teaching following joy with Human Design, but I wasn’t actually teaching through following joy or being present in the moment, and that made all the difference… because THAT WAS THE WHOLE THING I WAS HERE FOR, and I wasn’t doing it!

On the other hand, when I can accept that this is the way I do this right – with excitement, delight, pure happiness in the moment, looking v goofy in the process – that’s when things get waaaaay easier for me. 

Every time!

I book clients out of nowhere. 

New opportunities fly into my inbox. 

Things start flowing.

It was a game changer for me… and it can be one for you, too! 

I highly recommend you look into your vocation, and even into your pearl sequence if you’re interested. I think it’s a hugely beneficial tool for everyone — especially business owners or anyone looking for a way to use what they LOVE doing to make money.

. . . 

What’s your vocation? Have you used it, or worked through the core wound? Let me know in the comments!


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